If you are a horse or pony owner, the chances are you have accumulated a number of rugs for them to wear, depending on the weather, time of year, and of course if your horse is clipped or unclipped.

Deciding on which rug for your horse can be a difficult enough challenge, without having the responsibility of choosing the right type of rug. With different neck styles, weights, features and prices on offer, it’s easy to see why this can be a daunting task for any horse owner.

With this in mind, here at WeatherBeeta we developed a range of rugs that are compatible with easy-to-use and versatile rug liners. Discover more about the benefits of using a rug liner system below...

What is a horse rug liner?

brown horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta turnout rug and linerbrown horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta turnout rug and liner

A liner is a type of under-rug which secures to your turnout or stable rug using tabs and clips for security, to add an extra layer of insulation. WeatherBeeta currently offer a range of liners, availabe in medium/lite (100g), mediumweight (200g) and heavyweight (300g) 

What are the benefits of using a horse rug liner?

The benefit of using a horse rug liner system is you only require one turnout or stable rug, usually a lightweight. You can then add or remove different weight liners depending on the weather conditions and temperature. This makes your rug completely versatile. It’s also a more cost-effective way of kitting out your horse’s wardrobe.

For ease of good hygiene, WeatherBeeta rug liners can be easily washed helping to allowing your outer turnout rug to stay waterproof for many winters, whilst ensuring your horse always has a clean liner against their back and sensitive skin.

The liners themselves are brimming with features for the comfort of your horse and for transitional ease for the owner, including a channel quilted outer for durability, a boa fleece wither relief pad to relieve wither pressure and prevent rubbing, a single touch tape front chest strap, and four touch-tape tabs on the neck and clips at the rear to allow for an easy optional layer.

What WeatherBeeta rugs are liner compatible?

grey horse stood in doorway wearing weatherbeeta stable rug and linergrey horse stood in doorway wearing weatherbeeta stable rug and liner

There are many turnout and stable rugs within the WeatherBeeta ranges that can be used with a liner.

Compatible turnout rugs include: Green-Tec, ComFiTec Ultra Cozi III, Ultra Tough III, Premier Free II and the Plus Dynamic II

Compatible stable rugs include: ComFiTec PP Channel Quilt II Detach-A-Neck Medium and ComFiTec PP Channel Quilt II Combo Neck Heaby.

What to consider when laying your horses rugs

Of course, time, care and consideration must be given when choosing to layer rugs.

Breathability is a key feature to look out for when layering your horse, to allow for your horse’s winter coat to breathe and to prevent your horse from overheating.

Our liners are compatible with a range of rugs from our turnout and stable rug collections, all of which feature a breathable outer material to keep your horse comfortably snug this winter.

Green-Tec Liners

brown horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta green-tec linerbrown horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta green-tec liner

NEW this Autumn/Winter, the Green-Tec liners feature a strong 150 denier recycled inner and come in medium/lite, medium and heavy weights. A single touch tape front closure and four touch-tape tabs on the neck keep the liner in place and prevents slip back over the withers, whilst the clips at the rear attach to the outer rug to prevent the liner moving and becoming a hazard to your horses legs.

Thermi-Heat Liner

chestnut horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta thermi-tec linerchestnut horse stood outside wearing weatherbeeta thermi-tec liner

Another addition to 2023 Autumn/Winter collection, the innovative Thermi-Heat technology liner provides a versatile layering system to ensure you can remove or add a layer for your horse's comfort, whatever the weather. This liner features a 210 denier inner with a versatile 100g of polyfill. The Thermi-Heat lining across the back, utilises thermal reflection and your horse to maintain warmth, whilst also allowing excess moisture to escape.