I will put my hand up and admit bridle design and style isn’t something I’ve really given a great deal of thought. Remmi goes sweetly in a cavesson; it fits him and that has always been good enough for us.

That said, Remmi and I were lucky enough to trial the Collegiate Saddlery ComFiTec Vogue Anatomical Bridle. We could choose which bridle we would like to test and instead of gravitating towards what I would typically go for, I went off piste and used this as an opportunity to try something completely different. It was the curved, well-padded noseband that grabbed my attention. As well as being flattering and contouring the face, it also bypasses all the main, sensitive facial nerves, offering optimum comfort for the horse.

First impressions?

The leather is INCREDIBLY soft and supple! It did recommend oiling the bridle but I’m impatient, I didn’t have any oil and I wanted to use it ASAP. The large, super padded headpiece immediately caught my eye - It is anatomically shaped and much larger than a standard headpiece which allows for an even distribution of pressure on the poll again, offering comfort for the horse.

combo neck turnout horse rugcombo neck turnout horse rug

What I love?

Quite simply, the feeling it gave me.

I was excited to try it on him and was hoping for a positive reaction, but I never expected such a stark contrast to how he felt in his previous bridle.

To provide some context, pre bridle switch I was happy with his way of going but something I am often working on is getting him lighter in my hands however I saw this as a schooling issue, rather than a tack problem. I genuinely cannot believe how light and soft he felt, super relaxed in the contact.

As it’s a feeling, the difference is something I can’t physically show but if you’re ever local to us you and most welcome for a ride.

detach a neck turnout horse rugdetach a neck turnout horse rug

Would I recommend?

Yes! For the price, I think you get a lot of bridle for your money. It looks, feels and has features of a bridle that is a lot more expensive than it is. It’s clear a lot of thought has gone into the design, creating something which offers maximum comfort for the horse.

We are VERY happy with our new bridle!