If you haven't heard before, the WeatherBeeta family includes a dog, naturally!

Let us introduce you to the not-so-little puppy, Chloe! Chloe is part of the Dogs for Good programme and once old enough, will work to make a real difference in someone's life.

For now, her only real job is to grow up! Chloe lives with socialisers Carole and Steve. They have kindly shared a new update on her progress.

“Chloe is doing really well, and I think you will agree she is a beautiful little girl!

Her general behaviour is very good although she can still be very mischievous at times! She’s also very cute!

Since our last update we have been on holiday to Devon which Chloe absolutely loved, especially the sea and digging in the sand.

Besides the beach, we did a few different walks and a trip into Barnstaple to look around the shops and to go for a bite to eat; she was brilliant in the pub and settled nicely.

Chloe at the beach Chloe in the sea

As you can imagine she got quite a bit of attention and obviously loved it all. Children just seem to be drawn to puppies don’t they? She just loves children so no problem there.

We have done a group visit with Helen (our puppy co-ordinator) and another socialiser and her puppy to Coombe Abbey where we had a lovely walk through the woods and a free run in the field. On the way back we found the Go Ape activity, a photo of which I have included.

Chloe go ape

I thought the big Ape might frighten Chloe, but it didn’t bother her at all!  On the whole, she is a confident girl but can be quite sensitive at times.

Chloe turned one year old on 13th September. I have attached a photo of a cake I made for her - she thought it was yummy and it didn’t last long!

Chloe 1st Birthday

She had a lovely day playing with her doggie friends and she shared her cake with two of her besties. We can’t believe where the last year has gone.

Chloe still doesn’t have any particular favourite toys, but she enjoys playing football with our grandson, playing tug and generally likes her soft toys. She does have the habit of taking soft toys out into the garden especially when it is raining – oh dear soggy toys!!

She eats any treats she is offered (typical Retriever) and particularly likes chews, bones, kongs filled with food and antlers.

Chloe likes lots of cuddles and will come and place her head on my knee to get my attention.”

Chloe with lifeguard boat


Find out more about partnership with Dogs for Good here