The summer holidays are upon us and despite some classic British showers, temperatures are rising, and warmer days are mostly here. Many dog owners are looking forward to spending summer days out with their four-legged friend, however keeping your dog cooler in warmer weather is not as easy as you might think.

Many dogs have thick coats which provide a lot of insulation. Unlike humans, dogs are unable to sweat through their skin to cool down. They have a few sweat glands in the pads on their feet, but they mostly rely on panting to regulate their temperature. As a result, dogs can become unwell, overheat, and develop heatstroke in a short space of time.

As well as having a less effective cooling system than humans, dogs are also subject to their environment. They are unable to remove themselves from situations that are too hot, so it is the responsibility of owners to ensure dogs are not overwhelmed by the heat.

Other factors that affect a dog’s ability to cool themselves include breed, age, and condition. Those with a thicker coat or with a flat nose will struggle more in hot conditions. Obese and elderly dogs are also more at risk.

So, how do you keep your dog safe this summer?

1. Reduce exercise on hot days

Dogs love routine so even on hot days, he will still be pestering you for his 3pm walk. However, you must adjust your schedule to fit the weather. On really hot days, take your dog for a walk first thing in the morning or in the late evening when the temperature is cooler. The pavement will be too hot to walk on in the middle of the day and can burn your dog’s paws. If you are unable to walk your dog at these times, avoid the walk altogether. Instead have a short play in the garden ensuring your dog has access to plenty of water and shade.

2. Always have access to water and shade

Dogs will naturally drink more water on warm days so ensure they have plenty of fresh, cool water. They will also need free access to shade if outside.

3. Never leave your dog in a parked car

When the temperature is 22°C outside, a car can reach 47°C in an hour. Never leave your dog in the car, even if it is just for a moment.

4. Look out for signs of heatstroke

Signs of heatstroke in dogs are excessive panting and dribbling, collapsing or tiredness, and increased heat rate. If you think your dog is suffering heatstroke, move them into a cool place with water, wet their coat with cool water, and call you vet immediately.

5. Think of fun ways to keep your dog cool

Just because the sun is out doesn’t mean playtime is over. Give your dog a cooling bath, spray them water, give them a frozen treat to play with, or why not try a cooling dog coat.

What is a cooling dog coat?

weatherbeeta therapy tec cooling coat

A cooling dog coat is designed to help keep your dog cool and comfortable in warmer weather. They feature an absorbent layer, such as PVA, which is activated when submerged in cold water for a few minutes. They work on the principle of evaporation – the water evaporates slowly throughout the day from the outer layer of the coat. Through this evaporation, excess heat is drawn from the dog’s body which helps them cool down.

What’s special about the WeatherBeeta Therapy-Tec Cooling Dog Coat?

The WeatherBeeta Therapy-Tec Cooling Dog Coat is a great choice to use at home whether your dog is at risk of overheating, or if you just want to cool them down for their comfort. It doesn’t require any freezing; the coat is activated with cold water so can be used in a variety of situations. The outer of the coat is made from mesh which allows for air to flow through to the cooling layer. This coat features touch tape chest and belly closures as well as elasticated leg straps for a secure and comfortable fit.

Learn more about the WeatherBeeta Therapy-Tec Cooling Dog Coat here

What are your tips for keeping your dog cool in the summer? Share them in the comments below.


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